Timney Two Stage Triggers, Han Solo and Why You Care (With Video!)
A year ago Timney two stage triggers were as conceivable as Han Solo’s son killing him in the new Star Wars movie. Both happened. Odds makers in Vegas might have placed longer odds on Timney two stage triggers. For seventy years Timney has been committed to producing...

Wyoming Hunting in the Negatives – Part 1: Mule Deer
The weather in North Central Wyoming can tend to be fairly austere in November, and this last one was no exception. As most deer hunters know though, colder weather typically means more favorable deer hunting conditions. My hunting partner and I had planned a combo...

Reality Check: What You Haven’t Heard About Executive Orders, NFA and 41F
With this week’s announcement of Executive Orders from the White House on guns, many in our shooting and hunting community have experienced dismay, outrage and other strong emotions. Full disclosure – I may have dabbled in a bit of that myself. Reality check: The only...

The Gearhead Works FLEx Swivel – If You Own A Tavor You Need This
It’s such a simple part, the FLEx Swivel from Gearhead Works. Every Tavor owner needs one. I’m grateful to have had more time on a IWI Tavor than most people. At the moment, I have two, a 5.56 version and 9mm. I’ve shot Tavors suppressed, full auto, indoors, outdoors...

The IR Patrol by IR Defense – Best Tactical Hunting Innovation of 2015
Just one year ago we announced the roll out of the IR Patrol by IR Defense. It looked promising, and a year later I have to say this is not only my current favorite night hunting tool, but it gets my “Best Tactical Hunting Innovation of 2015” award. I’ve tested this...

Inteliscope Evolves: Inteliscope PRO+ Rifle Mount with Seek Thermal’s CompactXR
The first time I saw the Inteliscope mount in person I felt it came up short. I had one on hand, it was plastic and I just didn't get a good vibe. I liked the idea of it, I just wasn't crazy about the implementation. The same thing was true of Seek Thermal device, but...

It’s Not Christmas Yet – 2016 Gift Guide for the Shooter, Hunter, Adventurer Types
Scenarios: You’ve yet to figure out what to give the shooter, hunter and/or adventurer. Or, I just described you and you might want to pass along hints to your favorite procrastinators. We know you get a million promotions going into the holiday season so we waited...

.458 SOCOM AR-15 Overbuild – The Ultimate Big Bore AR?
The first time I saw a .458 SOCOM years ago I couldn’t imagine why someone would want one. A heavy recoiling AR-15 with limited magazine capacity – what’s the point? Now I laugh at myself and consider my former opinion Exhibit A: Lack of Vision! Well that changed, and...

New from Mega Arms: AR-15 Wedge Lock in KeyMod & MATEN MKM Redesign
Mega Arms is an aptly named company. They've been cranking out a lot AR-15 parts for years and their roots as a company go back to the 19th century. Mega just announced a couple of updates to their line: the AR-15 Wedge Lock in KeyMod and a redesigned MATEN MKM 308...

Great News for 300 Blackout Shooters – Troop Ammo from Gorilla Ammunition
I wasn't the first to buy into the 300 Blackout hype. I wanted to because I'm hypnotically drawn to cool new things, but I'm also cautious about believing everything thrown at me. I hunted with 300 Blackout subsonic and wasn't impressed. Neither were the pigs. That...