Stick It In Your Ear – The New Etymotic Gun Sport Pro Hearing Protection
Hearing Protection isn’t sexy. Of course neither is your ears ringing or having to ask “what?” “WHAT?” Soldiers, hunters, competitive shooters - all have hearing damage among their ranks. When shooting and hunting, most of us try to mitigate that as much as possible,...

My Go-To Scope: The Trijicon VCOG A Tactical Hunting Optic That Gets the Job Done
There’s often a division between what some consider Tactical versus Hunting. In a lot of ways, that division is wrong headed. After all, the tactical derives from the military, and the military application of the tactical is all about putting down the enemy. Of...

New and exciting – Five highlights from the NRA Convention
What do you get when you cram an insanely diverse crowd of 70,000 people into eight acres of floor space filled with 400+ vendors? Smiles, lots and lots of smiles if we’re talking about the annual NRA meeting, aka “NRA Show” or “NRA Convention.” Young and old,...

A Smartphone View to a Kill – Top Six Hunting Apps
In our world of 21st century, sometimes James Bond-esque tactical hunting, we have some amazing tools at our fingertips. We have the latest guns, laser rangefinders, night vision and thermal scopes, and much more. Now more than ever we also have our smart phones to...

When Secondary Becomes Primary – Real World Tactical Advantage Hunting with a Sidearm
Close Quarters Hog Hunting is an exciting adrenaline filled experience, but there is always the remote chance it can be the scariest time in a hunter’s life. Funny how often those two elements show up together... Lots of dedicated hunters spend countless hours...

Can You See Me Now? Why Expensive Optics Go Well With Today’s Bargain-Priced Rifles
A couple years ago, I received some criticism from an article I published on hog hunting. At the time, it seemed like your standard throw away gripe that pops up on Facebook and forums all the time. But I’ve heard the same criticism many times since, some of it...

America’s Most Wanted… Animals
Want to know a secret? Here at SHWAT™ - Special Hog Weapons and Tactics™, we are all about killing feral pigs and the endless gear and fun that go along with that. It can be done 24/7/365 with few restrictions in our home state of Texas and a handful of other states...

Aimpoint T-1 vs. T-2 Comparison and Review with Video
For years the Aimpoint T1 has been the gold standard of red dot sights, so when I first got wind of a T2 in the works, I was pretty curious. They sure look a lot alike. Both have 2 MOA dots. The T2 costs a little more, so what’s the big deal I wondered. I read some...

Close Quarters Hog Hunting (CQHH) “Ready”
It was a clear cool morning in South Florida, just West of Lake Okeechobee. The moon shed little light in the sky which provided our hunting group a beautiful view of the stars and their constellations. Almost an omen, Orion, the celestial hunter, shined brilliantly...

Three Times the Fun: Hogs, Deer and Coyote Fall to the Remington R-25 in .243 Winchester
On a recent deer and hog hunt with Mellon Creek Outfitters near Corpus Christie, Texas, I and three other writers on the hunt were given out choice of rifles: several bolt actions, a couple different DPMS AR’s in .308 Win, and a neat looking little AR done in a camo...