Best .308 AR? PWS MK216 Review and Torture Test!
In the spring of 2018, three years ago, I ordered my first PWS. The MK216 MOD 1-M chambered in .308 WIN. Funnily enough, I outlined the reasons for my purchase decision in my .233 PWS review published in May of 2019. I concluded that review with a promise to publish...

Win Yeti, Benelli, and More! Starting 2021 Sort of Right…
We interrupt our regularly scheduled programming to bring you a prize opportunity. It's not actually a SHWAT™ giveaway, but it supports a good cause with solid prizes. And given the shifting national mindset, well, this seems like a particularly good idea right now....
![2021 Ultimate Hunting Vehicle [RELOADED] – Part 1](https://shwat.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/01/Ultimate-Hunting-Vehicle-start.jpg)
2021 Ultimate Hunting Vehicle [RELOADED] – Part 1
Well, with 2020 behind and the unknowns of 2021 upon us, one thing we can all get excited about would be building your own Ultimate Hunting Vehicle, right? We all have plenty of reasons to max out a hunting vehicle, but we don't all have unlimited budgets. Given our...

Ready to Become a Felon? New Pistol Brace Ban Pending? The Holistic Problem
Is your favorite pistol brace equipped gun about to become an SBR and force you into the biggest gun registration scheme in American history? Just when you thought 2020 couldn't get any weirder, the ATF decided that they can get more shenanigans under the wire as the...

Iron Sights: Are they still relevant to you?
You have sights on your rifle, and you may not even know how to use them. Aperture sights (receiver, peep, ghost ring, tang, bullseye, whatever name you know them by) have been in use since the 1400s when some unknown marksman or armorer drilled a hole in a piece of...

You Need a Tripod, but Skip the Crappy Ones
Change my mind. If you're shooting 35 yards or never leave the square range, I get it. A tripod isn't for you. And there was a time before tripods found their way into my hunting and shooting. It was a happy time, carrying less gear into a field in the cover of...

Happy Hog-i-days Part 2
Read Part 1 After checking several fields with no luck whatsoever, we return to where we sighted in earlier in the day. Nothing, but in the adjacent field we find a large group of hogs huddled together. 50-60 hogs, maybe more, tightly bunched. Fish in a barrel! One...

Happy Hog-i-days Part 1
I realize the greeting may be somewhat late, but my view is that anytime you go hog hunting it is still appropriate! In reality this story covers an event that happened the day after Thanksgiving anyway. Who wants to camp out to buy another flat screen TV when you can...

AGM Secutor TS50-384 Review | Good Thermal You Can Afford
We've reviewed a couple of Global Vision's thermal products. And when I say "we," I mean Casey Jones. You can check out his reviews of the TM35-384 and the TM35-640. Don't get me wrong, a thermal monocular is a necessity for what we do. But, when the opportunity...

Colorado Pronghorn Hunt – aka, Buck Hunt with a Baby Bump
“Are you ready for this?” Wes, my hunting partner and husband, asked before we locked up the truck and crossed the ditch to begin my first Colorado pronghorn antelope hunt. As I donned my safety orange vest and hat, I thought back to all my shooting practice. I had...