The Tough As Nails Range Bag that Rolls – Elite Range Roller Review Video
For six months I’ve hauled a pile of gear around the country in the Elite Survival Systems Range Roller bag. The truth is, a review of this bag that is just written with pictures added just wouldn’t really let you see what I’ve discovered rolling it loaded down with...

Grayboe – Is This the Rifle Stock You’ve Been Waiting For?
A quick look at the combined efforts of the gun media and the major gun manufacturers’ catalogs and you’ll see that the aluminum rifle chassis is the “thing” these days. The internet is full of people extolling their virtues. Increasingly popular with precision rifle...

.277 MOA Shooting a $2500 rifle paired with a $200 1-6x TruGlo Scope
I just shot with a $200 optic on $2500 rifle and got a .277 inch group. Don't jump to any conclusions too quickly. This is just a quick entry as more work needs to be done and all is not perfect here. Consider this an in progress report and observation rather than a...

Project Goliath – Suppressing the .458 SOCOM with Liberty Suppressors
The Liberty Suppressors Goliath is a big .458 SOCOM silencer, and here's why I'm super excited to have just received one. In 2015 we built an over the top .458 SOCOM AR-15 that we really wanted to suppress. But .458 SOCOM silencers just aren't as commonplace as .30...

Keep Coal out of Your Christmas Stocking: Use the Essential SHWAT™ Gift Buyer’s Guide
Good news! It’s not Christmas yet, you still have time to score as Santa this year. Like me, you've probably been inundated with various gift buyer guides. Why read this one? Well, because if you’re like me, you still have some gift buying to do, you might want to...

My First Elk Hunt – Southern Girl Takes on Epic Montana Adventure
I anxiously anticipated my first elk hunt at Jumping Jack Ranch in Ennis, Montana. I didn’t know exactly what to expect. I’m not one to sit still for long, so I prefer hunts that are more active – such as hogs, rabbits and birds. A Southern woman, I am used to warm...

.65 MOA F1 Firearms Custom AR-15 Build with Video – Building an AR with and for Your Son
There’s a time honored tradition among hunters and shooters of all stripes linking generation to generation: The passing of firearms to the up and coming in the family. I’m not exactly old enough for that just yet, but I do have a son whom I love and whom I wanted to...

Buy Stuff You Want, Support Veterans – Introducing the Veterans Family of Brands
What if every time you purchased a product you were helping a Veteran? With many patriotic Americans who avidly support our military and first responder veterans, it is an exciting possibility. The Veterans Family of Brands (VFOB) is making this idea a reality. The...

Long Range Hunting or Shooting? Here’s Everything You Need to Know About The Silencerco Weapons Research Radius Rangefinder
Like a lot of others, I’m not much of a big game hunter but enjoy the 365 days a year open season on out of state hogs and coyotes here in Utah. There are a lot of coyotes here and my usual SOP is to throw my Seekins 6.5 Creedmoor semi or Desert Tech SRSA1 in a pack...

The Silynx Clarus Pro Revisited – A Video Review Unlike Any Other
I like gear that is versatile and capable in more than one environment. I think most of us do. And as someone whose ears have rung without relief for years I take hearing protection very seriously. When I first reviewed the Silynx Clarus Pro I was very pleased with it...