The SHWAT™ Crystal Ball (SHOT Show 2018)
Want a glimpse at the future, maybe even your future? When it comes to all things Shooting, Hunting and Outdoors, the best crystal ball is the annual SHOT Show, or SHOT for short. Typically, 60,000 or so people hit about 1600 exhibitors spread out over more than 13...

I Was Dead Wrong About McMillan Fiberglass Stocks
I was wrong. I was dead wrong. I had one of those moments where everything I had believed about something came crashing down. That moment came when I walked into McMillan's Facility in Phoenix, Arizona. I love walnut and I love maple. I know it’s not modern tactical...

Survive, Succeed or Not – Video Interview with Back Country Hunting Guide Tyrell Gray
Growing up in rural Pennsylvania my idea of hunting was to park my truck by a friend’s property and go for a walk with my rifle. I would typically carry a small day pack with a couple essentials, like water, a powerbar, and maybe a couple extra rounds. Since I moved...

How the Maker Overwatch Field 62 Grain .223 Expanding Ammunition Changed My Love Life
To quote Buddy the Elf, “I’m in love, I’m in love and I don’t care who knows it!” Don’t tell my wife, but this is how I feel about the Maker Overwatch Field 62 grain.223 Expanding Ammunition. You see, this new and well deserved love affair started out of frustration....

From Skeptic to Convert – ZRODelta Cowl Induction Brake Real World Testing and Results
Anyone remotely acquainted with my philosophy when it comes to muzzle brakes knows how much I dislike them. Disdain would be the most common term used, although that remains understated. Most of my shooting career has revolved around duty as a Law Enforcement...

Building the Ultimate Hunting Vehicle – Part 1 Taking Sides and Getting the Foundation Right
How to start an argument on social media: Just ask, "What is the Ultimate Hunting Vehicle? “It has to be a Jeep!” “No, it could never be a Jeep!” You get the idea… Before you take sides, allow me to set up the parameters. Then follow the story, adding your comments as...

Mr. & Mrs. Smith’s Christmas, or “How to Get the Gear You Really Want for Christmas This Year”
Recently SHWAT™ got a Facebook message asking for advice. Seems Mrs. Smith (No, not from the movie Mr. & Mrs. Smith) wants to give her husband a gift based on reading a number of our stories. Honestly, that kind of made my day! That’s why each year we wait until...

The Holy Grail of Pump Shotguns? The New Remington 870 DM (Detachable Magazine)
I don’t know how long people have thought about modifying Remington 870 shotguns to accept detachable box mags, but a few years ago at the 295 Tactical Range in Eugene, Oregon I got to try one. I was excited because I loved the idea from the first time I saw the gun...

Time to Upgrade from Your VHS Era Bipod to the ZRODELTA DLOC-SS Aimtech Warhammer Bipod?
Who doesn’t like watching a great movie? It’s been that way forever and probably all of us have fond memories of watching one on VHS tape. Of course, most of us have moved on from there. It’s not that we don’t like watching movies on our own screens. That will never...

Yes, Tactical Pheasant Hunting is a Thing and Here’s Why You Want To Try It
Question: What do you get when you cross the Kansas Governor, a shoot house at Gunsite Academy, canine athletes, shotguns, SHWAT™ and pheasants? A five star hunting experience that any action adventure hunter can get excited about. So yeah, prepare yourself, we’re...