Over the Hills and Through the Woods – The Christensen Arms Traverse Rifle Review
Some guns serve high-speed high-volume adventures where the higher the round count the greater the fun. That applies to some competitive venues, not to mention hog and prairie dog hunting. And don't forget the joys of sending countless rounds at an informal range with...

HK 416 22 Review
How about short review of a small caliber gem from Heckler and Koch, the HK 416 .22 LR version? Yep, a .22 version of the gun used to kill Osama Bin Laden. The 416 .22 is clearly meant for fun, not work. So, with that we present you our two minute take video at the...

Elite Survival Systems Tenacity 72 Hour Pack Review (Hawaii Hunting!)
One thing I've always believed about gear, on any job, trip, or mission: If it ain't accessible, it doesn't exist! Who cares if you have the perfect tool for the situation if, in the moment of need, it's buried under 20 other items? Or, you can't actually get to it...

2020 Tavor 7 Review and Hog Hunt!
With anticipation growing exponentially, I check my email for shipping confirmation of my review sample Tavor 7. I knew IWI planned to send it shortly, and here at SHWAT™ we have a long love affair with bullpups. When the first Tavors hit US shores, we put a couple...

Barnes Bullets VOR-TX 6.5 Grendel First Field Test And Review
It’s no secret, one of my favorite hog hunting calibers is the 6.5 Grendel. Others use it for deer, sheep, and many more targets, but this day I find myself back at the farm along with fellow SHWAT™ Pro Staffer, Casey Jones, and Remington PR Manager, Eric Suarez. ...

Ducks and Prejudice in Canada – How Remington’s V3 Waterfowl Pro Altered My Perspective
"Unless you spend thousands, they just don't make shotguns that balance like they used to," I said, snapping the walnut stock to my cheek and shoulder as the bead magically aligned with my intended point of aim. The satin glow of the thinning 1930s bluing was as...

Boots on the Ground: Lalo Shadow Intruder Boot Review (Hawaii Lava Fields Edition!)
When I go hunting on the Big Island of Hawaii, I hunt on the backside of an active volcano. Getting there requires a four wheel drive truck, a dirt bike, and some gnarly hiking before I can take a single shot. Here on the slopes of volcanic Mauna Loa, the prey of...

2019 $5 – $1000 Gift Buyer’s Guide – It’s Time to Get Serious!
That last time I saw stats for the average number of gift guides any one of us receives Thanksgiving week through Cyber Monday it was something like 123,487. Well, at least that what it feels like to me each year. That, and the procrastination common to many of us, is...

When Gear Makes All the Difference – My First Colorado Mule Deer!
“I doubt anything will to happen. I’ll just bring the Christensen Arms Traverse 300 WSM rifle and a couple of Norma rounds,” I said to myself, shutting the truck door and leaving my pack behind. It was the 4th day of the second Colorado mule deer season and thus far,...

Mossberg 930 Review (Dove May Have Died for this Test)
For all intents and purposes, the whole month of September is a holiday in the state of Texas. Of course, Labor Day is the first Monday in September - three day weekend, BBQs, etc… But what September signifies to Texans is the start of dove season. It is absolute...