Know the Distance to Go the Distance – Bushnell Elite 1 Mile ARC Rangefinder Review
"I was robbed!" Famous words uttered by more than one hunter blaming circumstance for a miss. Or a missed opportunity, for that matter. I'm not the only one guilty of having uttered that phrase when I should have said, "I blew it" or "I wasn't prepared for that." All...

She’s Beautiful, but Unforgiving – ELCAN SpecterDR 1.5-6x
At first blush, the accolades come easily. And I’m not the first to struggle with involuntary drool here. Without a doubt, we’re talking about a real head turner in the ELCAN SpecterDR 1.5-6x. Like all true beauty, it starts inside. The field of view, the...

Getting Grins From a Necessary Evil – Maglua Loaders Make It Happen
"Are the hogs shooting back?!" a bemused Brian McCombie once asked. The answer illustrates the need for fast reliable magazine loaders. In my experience, the best of the best are easily affordable, incessantly reliable and it appears they will last long past the...

EOTech’s Mini-Me Optic | MRDS Review Like No Other
What comes to mind when the word "mini" comes up? Mini Cooper? Mini Skirt? Maybe Dr. Evil's clone Mini-Me from the Austin Powers movies? Probably not the much more pedestrian "Mini Red Dot Sight" or MRDS from EOTech. It is, quite simply EOTech's Mini-Me (Yeah Baby,...

What’s Your Head Worth? Team Wendy Exfil LTP Helmet Review
You love hunting or shooting or probably wouldn’t be reading this article. Chances are, you also like doing other things outside, too. Maybe you’re like me and you love doing almost anything outdoors. Team Wendy makes many of those experiences better, more comfortable...

From Hater to Evangelist: My AR-15 Pistol Saga of Eating Crow
Once there was a time when I laughed at the notion of the AR-15 pistol. That time of laughing has passed, so if you enjoy watching others publicly eat crow, read on. My brother, Stephen, and I have been debating the merits of AR 15 pistols for some time, so let’s...

Booming Populations—Do We Have Enough Bullets?
The current wild pig population in the US is estimated at about 6 million, and it’s only increasing from there… If there’s one thing pigs do well, besides destruction, it’s reproduction. The gestation length for pigs is about 114 days (3 months, 3 weeks, 3 days—memory...

Wilcox NVG Mounts – Second to none, but are they worth the money?
If you hunt with night vision or are considering it, then you will inevitably find yourself looking into how to mount your choice of gear to your head. In that process, you will also inevitably come across the Wilcox line of night vision goggle (NVG) mounts. Wilcox...

Value Your Eyeballs? Read This.
If you have eyeballs, you need to read this. In my quest to identify and then tell you about the one best hunting and shooting eye protection option available, I have to admit failure here at the start. But not for lack of trying. Severely near sighted since...

American Built Arms T-Grip – A vertical grip built with the Tavor in mind
If you have been following SHWAT™ for any length of time, you know we are fans of the IWI Tavor. We were the first in the USA to put the Tavor through a dedicated carbine class with Force Options Training and Security. We’ve hunted with it and we’ve tested the...