The Highs and Lows of Your Ultimate Hunting Vehicle – Part 5: Little Things That Make A Big Difference
I hope you’re enjoying following our Ultimate Hunting Vehicle series and are inspired to build your own. We’ve enjoyed hearing back from some of you who have implemented various parts of our build for yourselves. You may recall that it all started with some big...

Alexander Arms .50 Beowulf Big Bore Takes Down Big Texas Boars!
When Jonathan told me that he was bringing the Alexander Arms .50 Beowulf Tactical, I honestly didn’t know what to think. My thoughts flashed back to my high school English class where we read the Old English epic with the same name. In my mind the only similarity...

Boots on the Ground Part 5: Testing the Lalo Shadow Amphibian Boots Across Three Time Zones
We love gear, don’t you? Guns, optics, thermal, night vision – but unless you intended to scout and hunt naked you need some awesome apparel and great footwear. That counts as gear in my book. A few months I discovered to some new boots and the company behind them....

Black Butterfly Lands On Wild Hog Video (458 SOCOM in Florida!)
In a previous SHWAT™ Article I referred to the superstition of the Black Butterfly and its mystical correlation with Black Butterfly Ammunition. Some may see my inferences as farfetched, but the story tells the tale. I’m not a superstitious person and I’m a believer...

The SiOnyx Aurora Day/Night Action Camera Four other Takeaways from the 2018 Outdoor Retailer Show
Since “Hunting” is in our name here at SHWAT™, and that’s almost exclusively an “outdoor” activity, it should come as no surprise that we wound up at the Outdoor Retailer (OR) trade show in Denver this week. No gun dealers were there but there were certainly some gems...

The DPMS Gll .308 – This Girl’s Porsche® 718 GTS Gun
As many of you know, I am not, nor have I have pretended to be, any kind of firearm guru, gun geek, gear head or rifle mega-enthusiast. My relationship with guns is easily likened to my relationship with cars. I really like them. I use them every day. I can replace...

Increasing the Body Count – Hog Hunting with the Suppressed Alexander Arms 6.5 Grendel!
Never have their been more rifle and caliber options for hunters. While I’ve been aware of the 6.5 Grendel for years, only recently did I get the opportunity to run one. I’ve killed hogs with everything from a 9mm pistol to a 50 BMG beast (subsonic suppressed!). Also...

Kestrel and Applied Ballistics, it’s not Rocket Science!
Talk to an old timer who relishes the “old days” and they will tell you they expended thousands of rounds and hundreds of hours to “know their rifles” and determine their ballistics. Like most of the old days it was just that, old. It was a PITA, costly, and it took a...

Door Gunner? Roof Gunner? The Ultimate Hunting Vehicle Gets Naked!
Time for the Ultimate Hunting Vehicle to get naked! When I had my first Jeep Wrangler I royally jacked this up, thanks to impatience and the wonderful world of interwebs experts. Here in part four we’ll show you what might be the best $400 - $600 you can invest in...

Are Cute Little Prairie Dogs Fun to Shoot? Is it Bad? You Tell Me.
As we lie on the dirt, in the warm South Dakota sun, my new friends and I look out over the open landscape. We had just spent the last week turkey hunting in South Dakota. Since the weather had finally cleared up, we headed out to bust some critters. "I've got one....