Reality Check! 2018 Gift Buyer’s Guide – You Know You Still Need This!
With the Black Friday, Small Business Saturday and Cyber Monday madness behind us, it’s time to actually get serious about this stuff! At SHWAT™ we always wait until after that brief insanity to make our recommendations. Our theory is that with the onset of December...

Defying the Odds – Thermal Hog Eradication Video After Way Too Much Rain
Have you ever gotten a text that made you fighting mad? I have. My blood pressure went through the roof and my Type A personality was in top gear the day I received this text from fellow SHWAT™ Pro Staffer Jared Hilton, “We are probably going to have to reschedule.”...

Are You A Facilitator for Life’s Greatest Adventures? Taking My 12 Year Old Elk Hunting on Public Lands in Colorado
Have you ever thought about what your life would look like if you took guns out of it? Not the whole philosophical argument about guns never being invented, the effects on the history of warfare in a global sense, or the government abolishing our Second Amendment...

I went to the Middle East to Test the Lalo BUD/S Zodiac Recon AT Tactical Footwear on Ancient Roads and Mountains
What do you want in a tactical shoe test and review? Hard use? Lots of miles wearing a backpack? Rugged terrain? Exotic locations? Well check those boxes. I previously reviewed the Lalo Tactical Shadow Amphibian Boots and walked away more than a little impressed....

The Shawshank Redemption, 300 Blackout, and My Custom AR Pistol Build
So one of my most memorable and favorite hunts happened Labor Day weekend of 2015. The reason why this hunt is twofold. First, I was hunting with Jonathan. Second, it was my first introduction to the 300 Blackout. You can read about that hunt here, Gorillas Chasing...

Sionyx Aurora First Video – Tactical Night Vision Action Cam?
Is it night vision? Is it a camera? The Sionyx Aurora is both and then some. It’s unlike anything else I’ve ever seen and with a price point online at $799 it’s pretty tempting. Okay, it doesn’t tempt me I already own one! I won mine at the Outdoor Retailer trade...

I Shot a $10,000 Rifle Today (and some other cool guns, too!)
When you started getting interested in guns, what was it that grabbed you? I was a kid and the idea of how they worked, their actions, their histories, their looks all appealed to me. Not to mention that pulling triggers was and remains a good time. Dad had a...

Remington TAC-14 Not-A-Shotgun for Dove Hunting? Yeah, We Try That!
Never considered the Remington Tac-14 for dove hunting? Or maybe breaking clays? Most people haven’t – and wouldn’t - but here at SHWAT™ we like to try things that others would dismiss. Assign whatever motive you want at this point, but when Remington invited me to a...

Why I Sold My .308 AR and You Should, Too. The True Story of What Happens When You Compare .308 vs. 6.5 Grendel
I grew up around hunters. Not tree-stand-sitting recreational hunters dressed up like the front cover of a Cabella's catalog, but wilderness hunters in blue jeans and flannel shirts, whose families went without if their hunts were unsuccessful. They were more...

Her First Hunt Was Basically Two Years In The Making. What About Yours?
"Please can I bring my bow? What if a deer comes close enough? If it's under 15 yards, can I take the shot?" It's September 2014 and opening day of Maryland’s deer season. I have been practicing with my bow for months, learning how to stand, aim and shoot properly....