The Best Gear for Hog Hunting in 2019
“What’s the best gear for hog hunting?” Ten plus years ago I didn’t know enough to ask that question. But last Memorial Day I decided it was time for me to answer it. I guess you could say that Memorial Day is the “Unofficial” birthday of SHWAT™. A lot has changed in...

The Holy Grail of Night Vision? Hunting with the Dual Tube FLIR BNVD-51!!
The 8 year old version of me had a Lamborghini poster on my wall. If my wife would let me put up posters as a grownup, I would have a poster of BNVDs hanging on the wall. The chance to review a FLIR FLIR BNVD-51ss 3G White Phosphor Binocular Night Vision Device, left...

My Adventure with Black Betty – The New Remington V3 Tactical Shotgun
You know those times when you meet someone and you can tell right away something special is about to happen? This is more than just a chance encounter. Better than anything you were expecting. This is going to be an experience of a lifetime and you are beyond exited...

Can Shooting Cause Brain Damage? The Science, the Bad News, and the Solution
Personal protective equipment is necessary for many activities. We wear seat belts when we drive, helmets when we ride. Power tools require safety glasses. Shooting and hunting require personal protective equipment, and most modern shooters faithfully don ballistic...

The Silencerco Omega – Should My First Silencer Be Yours, Too?
It’s summer, 2019, and as I mount my SilencerCo Omega I wonder to my self, “If you don’t have a silencer yet, I have to ask, what are you waiting for?” Seriously, buying a can has never been easier. Sure, we still have to deal with the NFA’s regulatory hoops, but...

What Do You Know, It Works! Hog Calling with the Convergent Bullet HD!
In my introduction to the Convergent Bullet HP at the 2018 Dallas Safari Club, I was skeptical, very skeptical. The hunting world is full of gimmicks, gadgets and gizmos. As for videos all over YouTube showing people calling in cats and dogs with an electronic call,...

The Ultimate Hunting Vehicle Reborn! – UHV Part 6
Building the Ultimate Hunting Vehicle is a real challenge. Like building a precision rifle, virtually every decision dominos, impacting something else. Our UHV build process transformed a used 2012 Jeep JKU Rubicon, but the transformation is ongoing. What I learned...

Best Thermal Scopes Yet? N-Vision Halo and Halo LR Hunting Review
The N-Vision HALO and HALO-LR thermal optics changed the thermal game this year. For that to mean anything useful, all we have to do is look back a few years. Not too long ago if you were in the market for a new thermal the choice was simple; get an ATN Thor. Well,...

20 Most Interesting NEW Handguns for 2019
Here at SHWAT™ we're intrigued by all kinds of guns. We don't spend a lot of time talking about handguns here, but truth is if you probably have one nearby more often than any of the other guns we talk about. So when our friend and YouTuber The Firearm Guy asked if...

Alaskan Bush Lessons – Off Grid Hunting for Survival in ’70s | Part 1
If Henry David Thoreau traveled through time picking up Tom Sawyer and Laura Ingles on the way attend Woodstock together, we’d have a fair representation the village where I grew up. It was the ‘70s and ‘80s as I grew up in a small coastal bush village in Alaska among...