Epic Adventure: Hunting New Zealand’s Wild Goats with an 6.5 Grendel AR-15
What do you get when you cross deer hunting with hog hunting and throw in a Kiwi accent? You get Taranaki wild goat hunting in wild New Zealand! Wild goats in New Zealand are considered invasive and damaging to the native environment, so hunting is largely...

First Round Long Range Hits for Hunters and Shooters? Reviewing the David Tubb DTR Reticle
While controversial, David Tubb is one of the winningest competitive rifleman around and an accomplished worldwide hunter. He has won 11 NRA High Power Championships along with 30 NRA Silhouette Rifle titles. He has another 6 Long Range Rifle National Championships...

XTech MTX +5 Mag Extension for HK Pistols Review and Reasons to Buy
So what’s a pistol magazine extension review doing here? Simple, the XTech MTX +5 magazine extension is freaking cool! Why should Glock owners have all the fun? Now HK VP9, VP40 and P30 owners have a solid magazine extension option. But wait, there’s more! Let’s say...

Elite Survival Systems Marathon GunPack – Concealed Carry On The Run
In actual fact, I’m not the best reviewer for the Elite Survival Systems Marathon GunPack. Don’t tune out just yet, though… Sure, I can check the objective boxes like, is it well built, priced competitively, and so on. But for a truly credible review, a distance...

6.8 to 6.Great! Part 1: Upgrade to the Wilson Combat Barrel
Over the years I’ve built some great AR style hunting rifles. The styles vary by size, caliber, color and most importantly their intended use. On many hunts I’ve taken multiple rifles due to unknown distance and terrain. It’s fun to have choices, but I’d really like...

Timney Two Stage Trigger for Ruger Precision Rifle
I was privileged to attend the first media event announcing the Ruger Precision Rifle. It was several months before the rifle’s public debut and I was skeptical until the first trigger press. The Ruger Precision Rifle impressed immediately. Not only did it shoot well,...

What Happens to Wild Hogs When They Die?
This simple post to LinkedIn revealed again that when it comes to dealing with wild hogs, we’re not educating people well: “Never bought gear to hunt at night? Rent it! Here's the @trijicon @irdefense Hunter MK2 from @ultimatenightvision and the results. Paired to...

Conventional Wisdom is Bad Advice? Let’s Talk Triggers and Kids!
"I can't shoot this!" She moved her left hand to the grip and wrapped her tiny left index finger around her right finger as she struggled with the trigger. The short rifle struggled with the trigger as well, the unsuppressed .300 Blackout failing to build enough...

HK VP9 Ashbury Custom Shop RMR Pistol – My Journey to the Red Dot Sight Equipped Pistol
Every expert and his nearest relative has an opinion on adding a Red Dot Sight (RDS) to a pistol. Dogma is prevalent if not rampant. It will either make you the best shooter on earth, or kill you in a “real” gunfight. Like anything dogmatic, each side has prophets,...

Video: Before Your Firing Pin Moves – Ammo Manufacturing As You’ve Never Seen it Before
If you’re like the vast majority of hunters and shooters, you probably don’t give the process of manufacturing the ammo you use a lot of thought. Reloaders, don’t tune out just yet… Not long ago I was invited to tour Remington’s ammunition plant outside Little Rock,...