Worth it? $105 Radian Raptor SD Charging Handle vs. Brownells Standard $20 Charging Handle
If you own and AR-15 you can pick from a virtually infinite catalog of options to set up your gun. A few years back there was an explosion of new charging handle designs that made various promises at various price points. Now that the designs have matured I wanted to...

$200 Truglo 1-6x Tru-Brite Tactical Rifle Scope Review – The Video, The Story, The Conclusion
If you’d told me ten years ago I’d write a positive review of a $200 TruGlo Tru-Brite Tactical 30mm 1-6x rifle scope, I would have laughed. I mean, I was running a Trijicon ACOG ECOS kit for crying out loud. I think it cost me $1600+. And SHWAT™ wasn’t even an idea...

2017 Desert Tech MDR Status and Live Fire Update
Just over two years ago I ran a story introducing the Desert Tech MDR bullpup semiautomatic (and full auto!) rifle. I had just come back from Sniper Country where Desert Tech introduced me and nine others to the MDR prototypes. I returned to Desert Tech last fall to...

Poisoning Lead – Obama’s Toxic Attack On Gun Owners
When it comes to lead in bullets, the issue is not environmental pollution, but the pollution of the truth. Obama's recent ban on lead in the fishing and shooting industries is nothing more than a below-the-belt parting shot at responsible sportsmen and gun owners....

Question From A Reader, Help Us Answer
I got an email today from a SHWAT.com reader, something I always appreciate. He's asking about moving to the AR-15 platform for hunting. I'm going to give my input below, but perhaps you have something to add or a completely different take. By all means, jump in and...

Fundamentals are Fundamental – Only Read This if Self Defense Matters To You
A recent video from Clint Smith, owner and founder of Thunder Ranch struck a chord with me. Much of my early training came from Clint and his staff at the Texas facility. This was long before the myriad of YouTube and social media experts existed, so you actually...

Continuously Update SHOT Show 2017 News – Wish You Were Here!
Seriously, I wish each of you could experience the magnitude and excitement that comes each January at the National Shooting Sports Foundation's SHOT Show. SHOT = Shooting, Hunting, Outdoor, Trade (Show) and 2017 looks exciting! SHOT is SHWAT™ in many ways. You could...

Tactical Duck Hunting? Action Adventure Duck Hunting Reimagined in 2017
The profane thought of “Tactical Duck Hunting” might just send chills down the spines of some duck hunters. I’ve thought about this for a few years and as I sit here in the airport typing after my first real duck hunt I probably have more questions than answers. If...

Range Dancing vs. Practical Application
With firearms instructors sprouting from the earth like dandelions in a garden, it’s easy to get lost in the weeds. This proliferation of expertise is an extremely sharp double edged sword. At no time in my life has the average individual been better able to seek out...

Tailhook Pistol Brace – Gear Head Works Changes the Pistol vs. SBR Game in 2017
The Gear Head Works Tailhook pistol brace is without a doubt innovative and exciting. If only I’d have thought of it! I did think to make a one minute video showing you how to install and use the Tailhook! Once I was a hater of AR pistols and other neutered platforms,...