by John Woods | The Doc's Hog Blog
The book Use Enough Gun by famous African professional hunter Robert Ruark posed the question about how much gun was enough gun for cleanly taking big game. The same concept also applies to hunting game like wild hogs. When pressured, angered, cornered, or...
by John Woods | The Doc's Hog Blog
“I was walking by a creek the other weekend when all of a sudden I started noticing all the fresh sign around me. I was just thinking to myself there has to be some hogs close by. It wasn’t two seconds later when two huge boars I estimated at 300 pounds apiece...
by John Woods | The Doc's Hog Blog
Wild pigs are taking over the south. My home state of Mississippi is well positioned within their home range land grab. All up and down the traverse of the Mississippi River bordering the farm rich lands of the Delta the hogs are rooting up everything in their...
by John Woods | The Doc's Hog Blog
Where I hunt in Mississippi is 680 acres lying alongside the Big Black River about 60 miles north of the Capitol City of Jackson. The property floods 2-5 times a year, often in the spring and sometimes even in the fall, which can disrupt our hunting and recreational...
by John Woods | The Doc's Hog Blog
If hunters would be honest with themselves, they would admit to having been faced with this at one time or another. Sometimes you take a good shot on a game animal and it runs out of sight or falls where it is only wounded. Then the ethical decision comes. Do you...
by John Woods | The Doc's Hog Blog
Sun Tzu in The Art of War: “If you know the enemy and know yourself, your victory will not stand in doubt.” Whether or not you view wild hogs as your own enemy, land owners and agriculture officials certainly do. An old sage hunter echoed that ancient warrior wisdom...
by John Woods | The Doc's Hog Blog
What was supposed to be a non-typical deer hunt quickly turned into something completely different. Non-typical because we were hunting with handguns in the pursuit of a bit more challenge than the usual shoulder mounted deer rifle and big end scope. Turns out for a...
by John Woods | The Doc's Hog Blog
By my standards it was too dark to shoot. By the guide’s rules it was time to engage the target. It was dark(ening) quickly and raining. Not a downpour mind you, but one of those nasty cold drizzle rains. For traditional 1-inch tube optics it would have been...
by John Woods | The Doc's Hog Blog
It’s a resounding fact now that many states are experiencing an invasion of wild hogs. In Mississippi and next door neighbor Alabama the explosion is reaching critical mass in some areas. Farmers are experiencing serious damage to cash crops and homeowners are finding...