How to Set Up an AR-15 for Hog Hunting
“You have an AR-15. You’re coming.” So, despite my naïve protests about being a shooter not a hunter, I was dragged into the world of tactical hunting. A pile of dead hogs later, I was hooked. I no longer own any of the gear I used that day. I’ve gone through many...

Performance Enhancing Drug for your Gun – CMC Triggers 2 Stage Trigger
I’ve been hunting for a trophy boar for months. I’ve seen it several times on the game camera, but never in person. Now, here I am after several hours of waiting, and here he is. He must be 350 pounds and has a serious set of tusks. Bringing my rifle up, I center my...

The Shotgunner’s Hog Hunter
I sat is a West Texas box blind, ten feet in the air and 120 yards from a feeder, on a cold, clear night, the front window of the blind open and me trying not to fall asleep. While I love night hog hunting, I’d been up since Five AM, it was 11 at night now, and I was...

Happy Hog-i-days Part Two
Read Part One After checking several fields with no luck whatsoever, we return to where we sighted in earlier in the day. Nothing, but in the adjacent field we find a large group of hogs huddled together. 50-60 hogs, maybe more, tightly bunched. Fish in a barrel! One...

Happy Hog-i-days Part One
I realize the greeting is somewhat late but my view is that anytime you go hog hunting it is still appropriate! In reality this story covers an event that happened the day after Thanksgiving anyway. Who wants to camp out to buy another flat screen TV when you can go...

Desert Tech MDR Prototype Get Away | Reimagining the Bullpup | Video
Have you ever wondered what it would be like to be part of a cutting edge firearms research and development team? Or maybe just to have a range day in the mountains with top trainers in long range shooting, handguns and more? Me too! And that’s exactly what just...

New Product! IR Patrol Thermal Monocular from IR Defense Launched!
If you’ve hunted at night you know seeing and identifying your target is the toughest part of the game. For years, many have held that the best method for finding your prey was to use thermal detection. The limitations of thermal became quickly apparent, however. Low...

These Aren’t Your Grandpa’s Remingtons! With video!
Your Grandpa wasn’t even around when Eliphalet Remington II built his first rifle for competition. It was almost 199 years ago. There is no chance he could have predicted what his company would show off at the fabled Gunsite Academy north of Prescott, AZ in December...

Twelve Gifts of Christmas for the Hunter and Shooter
Christmas time is here again! Many of you have been thinking about what to get the hunter or shooter in your life (or maybe what YOU’D like to get). We’ve put together some of our favorite picks of the year. We’ve tested some form of each item and personally think it...

Predictable and Exciting Married and Had a Baby: The Aimpoint ACO
Predictable and Exciting married and had a baby. Predictable’s DNA contributed the red dot, familiar controls and mount. Exciting naturally delivered the surprises - the price point and availability. I’m not writing this off a press release, I’ve used this baby, and I...