by Kevin Reese | Pig Killing Kevin
Big Workhorse Bang for Your Hunting & Shooting Buck! Where has the time gone? When I look back over my life, I see a series of mountains and valleys, each navigated, some carelessly, yet none left without my footprints… and occasional claw marks – I’ve never been...
by Kevin Reese | Pig Killing Kevin
The first time I heard it, that shrill bawl, the hair rose off my neck to stand at attention and any sign of weariness from hours in the stand promptly left my body. I had never heard that sound before. What’s that? Was that a woman screaming? Could it be a cougar? I...
by Kevin Reese | Pig Killing Kevin
Should you buy a Blackhawk Sportster TraverseTrack Bipod? Keep reading and decide for yourself if it has the features and quality you need. Recently on a hunt in Texas, I was forced by the sun farther into the shaded recesses of an outcropping of oak trees along the...
by Kevin Reese | Pig Killing Kevin
Not long ago I spent a little time bumping around hunting forums when I crashed an air-rifle-hate-club. Post after post proudly announced how unethical, childish, foolish and laughable it was to even consider using air rifles for hunting larger animals, including my...